University of North Dakota

Second Degree Accelerated BSN


Basic Information: The University of North Dakota is located in Grand Forks, North Dakota.  This program is for students who have already earned a bachelor's degree in another field and have finished the basic requirements for their BSN. 

Must Dos: Students must apply to the University of North Dakota and to the College of Nursing.

Program Length: This program is four semesters straight through beginning in January. 

Nursing Prerequisites: Courses include the following:

  1. Microbiology 202/202L or 302/302L

  2. Chemistry 116/Lab Organic Biochemistry (or Chem122/Lab & Biology 150, 151 & Labs)

  3. Anatomy 204 (Human Anatomy) and 204 lab

  4. Physiology 301

  5. Developmental Psychology

  6. Nutrition 240

  7. Statistics

  8. Pharmacology 315

Prior Classwork Information: A minimum GPA of 3.0 or better is preferred.

Application Information: The application for the College of Nursing can be found here.  The application process can be found below:

  • Spring - Complete application to UND

  • June 15 - Application Deadline - In order to be considered for admission the following must be received by the deadline: Completed Baccalaureate Accelerated Curriculum application, Verification of Admission to UND; Verification of completion of at least 5 out of 8 pre-requisite courses; Personal statement; Two references submitted by the recommender.

  • Mid July - Face-to-face interviews

  • August 15 - Admission decision made for applicants with completed applications by June 15

Admission Tests: No admission tests listed.

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here

Updated: November 2018.