Pace University RN to BSN

Pace University RN to BSN nursing program


Basic Information: Pace University is located in New York City, New York.  This program is meant for Registered Nurses wanting to obtain their BSN. Pace University requires that students have their associate's degree in nursing (ADN). This program can be completed either in an online fashion or in a blended online and in-person fashion.

Must Dos: Students must apply to Pace University.

Program Length: Two years if students start the program in fall semester.  If students start the program in spring, it can be completed in 15 months.  The course schedule can be found here

Nursing Prerequisites: Prerequisite courses include English, Anatomy & Physiology I/II, Psychology, and Statistics. All courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Prior Classwork Information: Pace University states that "Students enrolling in the program must have completed or be near completion of required liberal arts and sciences core curriculum prior to entering the Nursing course sequence."

Application Information: The application for Pace University can be found here

Tuition: Tuition information can be found here

Financial Aid/Scholarships: Financial aid information can be found here.  Scholarship information can be found here

Updated: September 2014.